Sunday, February 21, 2016

One Week Owen!

I just love taking pictures of our sweet babies. On Owen David's first week birthday, I snapped a whole bunch of pictures during a quiet moment while Ian & Gramee were at the grocery store.

And, fortunately, he was happy to oblige...

 So far, this sweet boy is a great sleeper and nurser.
 He loves to turn his head to the sound of his mama's voice.
 He loves being on our chests and very rarely fusses. Here's a rare moment...
 His eyes appear to be a really beautiful deep blue. I love staring into them.

 He's very long and lean.
 And he sneaks out of almost every swaddle. Those legs are very, very strong!
 His hair is a light or medium brown.
 Aunt Christine got him this sheepskin, which stays in his co-sleeper most of the time. He loves wriggling on it and sleeping on top of it. Sheepskins, apparently, help them to regulate their temperature.

Look at those eyes... yes, I think he's comfortable :)

 Sometimes he looks like he knows karate ;)

 When he's older, I want to be able to remember the way he looked up close during these days.
 I want to remember the cute baby acne and the sleep in his eyes.
 I wish I could recreate that super soft skin and the glorious smell of baby rolls, but these pictures will have to dredge up those other senses.

 He has since lost the nub of his belly button, which surprised this mama. They had said that it takes a few weeks...

His neck strength is already amazing us...

He loves lying on his belly. He takes after his mama... a belly sleeper.
Did I mention the strength of his one week-old neck?!?!
Yeah, he's pretty proud, too! ;)
Sweet baby arm rolls.

 Oh, one week old Owen David, we certainly love you. Our hearts were knit together so well. You are a wonderful addition to our family. We cannot wait to experience more of this life with you. You are loved beyond measure.

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