Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Liesl is 10 MONTHS OLD!

Liesl is 10 months old!! And what a month it was for our lovely gal.

She's mobile now, crawling everywhere & getting into everything! She started crawling on March 14th, Pi Day. That evening, Jim and I were planning on assembling some furniture and she just DID NOT want to go to sleep. For a few days she had been particularly stubborn about bedtime. Well, on this particular night, she stayed up later and mastered crawling! It was incredible to watch her figure it out and so special to have Jim right there, too. After she did it a few times, it was clear that she was content with her skills and ready for bed. We cheered her on, cooed and hugged and kissed her, and then she was ready to hit the hay. Darling girl. 

This month she seems to also have shown her comedic side and LOVES to make different faces. She mirrors faces or comes up with her own. It's really, really fun! I'm grateful to have captured a few of her expressions here... she just cracks us up:)

She says "Mama" & "Papa," "hi" & "dog." And I really think she is saying "I love you." Liesl babbles the day away with new sounds and emphasis. She loves to wave goodnight, sign for milk, & be held by Mama. 

With four upper teeth coming in at the same time, her sleep has been pretty rocky. She's been thrilled to get some extra snuggle time in bed with me, waking (sometimes) only to touch my face before drifting back to sleep. Talk about heart-melting. She has that effect on all of us.

Liesl Gale, you are a blessing & delight!

Happy 10 Months to our favorite lass!!

You love: making funny faces, CRAWLING, babbling and talking, petting Leif, grabbing your brothers' toys, cuddling after naptime & sleeping with Mama, almost all of the solid foods you've been given, and swinging in the swing outside.

With the warmer weather upon us, we look forward to getting out for more walks and exploration. You've really enjoyed stroller walks, carrier walks, and your forays in the great outdoors. I think you'll fit right in to our outdoor-loving family :)

Liesl is 9 MONTHS OLD!

Oh my, this girl <3

This lass turned 9 MONTHS OLD!

She's babbling. giggling a'plenty, attempting to scoot and scooch, observing everything & everyone, and LOVES to cuddle.

Her favorite word is "Mama" and I swear she's starting to say more words, even "I love you"... which she certainly hears from each of us all day long.

She's one adored little gal.

She's delightful, energetic, eager, & just all-around darling.

We love you SO very much, Sweet Liesl Gale!!!

Happy 9 Months, Little Girl!!

You love: giggling, squealing, attempting to crawl and scoot, sitting and observing the world, being held, and smiling beautiful full-face smiles. We cannot get enough of you.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

December 2018

Always running months behind, but hey... it's so fun to look back on what we did, whenever I get the chance! And I know that one day I will look back and these pictures will transport me to memories I'd totally forgotten. :)

December was PACKED with life and family visits and our first family ski day!! Let's get started...

First up, an IKEA trip! We always enjoy a good rainy day trip to IKEA...

 ... and a little treat at the end :)

 Our library here is AMAZING. They had a "Snowflake Social" in December and invited one of the UNH a capella groups to sing. The boys were completely mesmerized.
 Liesl, too :)
 The boys made rocketships out of our cardboard boxes... I foresee many creations like this in our future.
 Almost every morning starts with a cuddle like this. I get surrounded by the three kiddos and eventually I get up and the three of them scoot together for a cuddle (or a squabble).
 It's wintertime in NH and so she's rarely without clothes... but we adore these beautiful rolls, when they come out!!!
 Ian and I went on quite a few ice-skating dates in December. He's quite fast with his milk crates and he's such a determined chap.
 Our little love continued to melt our hearts. Ian enjoys choosing clips for her hair and matching them to her outfit. Her hair gets into her eyes if we don't clip it up!

 Tendercrop's indoor space was fine, but these rugged guys prefer the freezing cold slides outside :)
 She got her first bad cold and preferred to snuggle. Shucks.
 6 month check-up showed that she's practically perfect in every way. No surprise to us <3
 In December she started doing the plank and push-ups. I need to join her in her exercise routines!

 Stealing moments with the firstborn during quiet time in the afternoon. He usually requested books :)
 Look at her go!!!

 We had brunch with our friends and neighbors. Their sweet girl wanted to hold the babe.

Jim continues to prep and read and research for the garden plot this year. This tree had to go!

We started dating December 17, 2006... so, here's a blast from the past <3

 And here's our present... a fridge full of the vibrancy of life we've created together.
Before Christmas Ian said goodbye to her first school experience here. One of the last days we dropped him off in this parking lot... here he is writing his name in the steam he created :)

 Just another morning in my bed :)
 Our children's museum is really great. Here are a few of their favorite places...

 Santa came to visit Ian's school and he was THRILLED!
 My parents arrived and we went to a UNH Women's Basketball game. The boys were mostly fascinated with the mascot, but it was still a fun first game!

 Will & Phoebe drove in and the holidays began!
 And Zelda, their chocolate lab :)

 Fuzzy and poor lighting, but Dad brought his keyboard and we were able to sing carols multiple times during the holiday!!
 We went ice skating, which was a blast.
 Read lots of books...

 Played and made train tracks...
 And, my favorite, WE WENT SKIING!!! It was such a special day. Our first ski day in New Hampshire and we spent it with my parents and Will and Phoebe. My mom graciously stayed in the lodge with Liesl and Owen, while Dad taught Ian to ski and got Owen to attempt. By the end of the day Ian was skiing with enthusiasm down the very small bunny slope. AND, Jim went skiing for the first time! He did great and, at the end of the day, is determined to be a skiing family! I'm so excited!
 I got to spend most of the day skiing with Phoebe & Will and it was just so lovely! I haven't had a day to get lost in a physical/active pursuit since having kiddos and it was incredibly special.
 So fun to be with these two!!
 And to have lots of chats on the chairlift with my dear sister.
 Best Christmas gift ever.
 It makes me so excited for what's to come when my children start skiing and we can all enjoy pursuits outside together.

 It's become a tradition to go for a beach walk on Christmas Eve, which is lovely.

 Christmas Eve we always have a roast beast. YUM!
 The stockings were hung by the chimney with care....
 I love watching our kids on Christmas morning <3
 Jim made a big breakfast before we dove into the presents.
 And then it was time for stockings!!!
 I didn't get many pictures of the opening of presents... but it was a truly lovely morning. The boys slowly opened and enjoyed each of their gifts. It took them a series of days to even open all of them... I just love that. Woody, Jessie, and Buzz have gotten LOADS of use since being opened. Owen carries two in his fists at all times.

 On Christmas night, our last night together, we had a big Swiss fondue. Such a nice way to savor and enjoy our last evening together!

 The next morning Mom and the boys made gingerbread men before they left. A sweet tradition.

 Then, a day later, Gramee & Grandpa arrived for Christmas #2!
 They each received stamp kits from G&G and immediately put them to good use :)
 And a few puzzles came along, which they enjoyed putting together. I love watching them navigate puzzles.

 The tide was much lower during our beach walk with them.
 I love how the beach is always changing, making it a fun a new playground during each and every visit.

 Gramee & Grandpa left on New Year's Eve morning and that night we went and met Dan and Carole for dinner and fireworks in Porstmouth!
 We enjoyed visiting the ice sculptures and the fireworks were great! Owen wasn't so sure what he felt about them at first, but soon began repeating that "it's just a loud noise and lights... they can't get to or hurt him." It was such a fun evening with Dan & Carole.

Farewell, 2018!!! On to 2019!!