Saturday, January 8, 2011

1.5 years!

Today marked our 1 1/2 years of marriage! As the snow covered the ground, we both sat in our opposite ends of the cottage completing the necessary work at this point in our lives. Jim studying the endless powerpoints, while I grade papers and enter the grades into the online system. Romantic?


Because at 5 PM we dropped those tedious and burdening items and flung open the doors for a nice hike! We crossed the road, puppies in tow, found a trail for easy access and hiked as the sun was setting. With barely any sunlight we arrived home to change clothes and head out on a date! For the first time in a while, it seems, we sat back and talked. We moved away from the table, where we had eaten, and over to two comfy chairs to continue our conversations. It was lovely to relax in each other's company, away from our requirements, and dream about the FUTURE.

We were blessed to have this time. It comes when you need it most, I suppose!

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