Sunday, November 13, 2011

Friend & Family Connections

This weekend I trekked to Richmond and then Newport News to see some friends and then family. If I could spend every weekend, or every other weekend, doing just that then I would. It takes me some time to make friends who touch me to the core, but once that happens I have a difficult time letting go. And when it comes to my family nothing compares to the emotional connection and love I have for just being around them, observing, laughing, and, yes, crying.

In Richmond I stopped, and got stuck in some crazy marathon traffic, to have brunch with my dear suitesweet-mate Lindsay. We lived next door freshman year and have remained very close. She's like a sister or close cousin (since some of my cousins are basically sisters) to me and her mother passed away two weeks ago of ovarian cancer. She fought a good fight for two years. Hence, some tears were definitely shed... but man, Lindz is one strong woman!

Newport News was the final destination and Willem did an amazing job in his lead role of Ferdinand. He played a troubled Duke who had incestuous feelings toward his sister. Disturbing? Yes! However, it was disturbing because he played the part magnificently. His stage presence, emotion, and voice quality set him apart from the others. He made me very proud.

I'm able to officially say that he was set apart because I had a second pair of eyes with me and SHE said it first. It's not just the biased sister in me! We got to spend time with our cousin Lisa, who lives in Norfolk, VA. It was great to get to watch the show with her and then the three of us grabbed a beer afterward to debrief and catch up.

Fortunately, Lisa remembered to snap a picture with her phone or else we'd have no proof :)

You've gotta love a weekend full of loving friends and family! There's just something about close family & friend bonds that do wonders for the heart. And I mean appropriate bonds, unlike those on stage this weekend...


  1. Wonderful! A great way for me to decompress after playing in a big show at my school--reading about your trip, your impressions, and your love for friends and family.
    See you soon (Thanksgiving!).
    Love, Dad

  2. So cool that you got to see Lisa and watch Willem's show together! Maybe I need to move to Virginia :)

  3. I definitely need to move to Virginia. Obviously, it's the cool place to be! :-)

  4. What a great picture! Love that you were able to share this evening!!!
