Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday, Monday

I had already determined that today was going to be lousy. I hardly got any sleep, the weekend ended far too quickly, and far too much down time was spent grading! I wasn't quite ready.

But the students had decided that today would be anything but the dreaded Monday. This happened even in my hardest class with everyone there!

Yes, I'll take every Monday just like it was today. With time to write in my own Day Book, students getting straight to work, many opportunities to add silent speedball points, and solid work on menu choices for the novel, there's hardly anything I would change!

So Monday, you are allowed to visit again, but I am content with moving on to Tuesday :)

And I might, just might, be the only one who is hoping for a little more rain because my husband just surprised me by buying me a pair of galoshes. Keen galoshes, no less, with a cozy, fuzzy lining that will be comfortable in winter, spring, summer or fall! I wouldn't mind a good splash in a puddle now...

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