Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Liesl is 10 MONTHS OLD!

Liesl is 10 months old!! And what a month it was for our lovely gal.

She's mobile now, crawling everywhere & getting into everything! She started crawling on March 14th, Pi Day. That evening, Jim and I were planning on assembling some furniture and she just DID NOT want to go to sleep. For a few days she had been particularly stubborn about bedtime. Well, on this particular night, she stayed up later and mastered crawling! It was incredible to watch her figure it out and so special to have Jim right there, too. After she did it a few times, it was clear that she was content with her skills and ready for bed. We cheered her on, cooed and hugged and kissed her, and then she was ready to hit the hay. Darling girl. 

This month she seems to also have shown her comedic side and LOVES to make different faces. She mirrors faces or comes up with her own. It's really, really fun! I'm grateful to have captured a few of her expressions here... she just cracks us up:)

She says "Mama" & "Papa," "hi" & "dog." And I really think she is saying "I love you." Liesl babbles the day away with new sounds and emphasis. She loves to wave goodnight, sign for milk, & be held by Mama. 

With four upper teeth coming in at the same time, her sleep has been pretty rocky. She's been thrilled to get some extra snuggle time in bed with me, waking (sometimes) only to touch my face before drifting back to sleep. Talk about heart-melting. She has that effect on all of us.

Liesl Gale, you are a blessing & delight!

Happy 10 Months to our favorite lass!!

You love: making funny faces, CRAWLING, babbling and talking, petting Leif, grabbing your brothers' toys, cuddling after naptime & sleeping with Mama, almost all of the solid foods you've been given, and swinging in the swing outside.

With the warmer weather upon us, we look forward to getting out for more walks and exploration. You've really enjoyed stroller walks, carrier walks, and your forays in the great outdoors. I think you'll fit right in to our outdoor-loving family :)

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