Monday, December 17, 2018

Liesl's SIX months!

Happy half birthday, sweet girl!!!

And to that I say... how? How? HOW?

Liesl continues to be such a source of joy and light in our family. This month she's become more animated in her squeals, shrieks, and chatter. It's the sweetest. Today, our family piled into the van for a trip to IKEA and she was never unhappy, just shrieked with joy so loudly that my brain shook within my scull :) Apparently, she has good lungs, like the rest of the family... ha!

She loves to study her hands and her fingers, bringing them into different positions, reaching for facial features or toys, and wiggling her fingers slowly in repeated movements.
Liesl is gobbling up the solid foods now! She still makes funny faces, sometimes, but she seems to really enjoy being included at mealtimes. We've started giving her little bites of what we're eating, or pureeing the food we're eating for her. If she's not included in the meal, she's studying the food while sitting on my lap.

 These boys are growing SO FAST too. I hardly ever get the real camera out these days, except for the monthly photoshoot with Liesl, so I decided to snag a few of them, too. Her biggest fans and my favorite hooligans.
2.75 years old
5 years old

6 months

This was the first month we put clips in her hair. All the heart eyes! Her hair is actually long enough to get into her eyes, so it serves a purpose and is just so sweet. The boys enjoy choosing which color she wears each day. Ian's been ready for her to wear a bow since day one, so he's definitely quick to choose one first thing each morning ;)

She's starting to sleep better again! WOOHOO! For a while there she must have hit a growth spurt and was getting up allllll night long, but now she seems to get up just once in the night. For this, I am so grateful.

We are all excited about first Christmas! She's such a sweet age, fascinated with the lights and eager to just observe, snuggle, and be with us.

She's getting close to holding herself up in a full arm pushup, leaving her hips on the ground. And her belly muscles are getting stronger as she attempts to stay sitting up on our laps to see what all the commotion is around her-- she has lots of entertainment in her brothers!

She loves to chat and babble and groan and coo.

Happy 6 Months, Darling Babe!
You make our hearts sing.

You love: listening to music, watching your brothers, working on your crunches, studying your hands and grabbing items in front of you, solid foods, snuggling with Mama, and giggling with Papa.

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