Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Lately we have taken to packing up all of our stuff and heading to Panera Bread. It's a great place to eat, drink coffee, and hop on the free internet to get some work done. Well, today Jim is the only one drinking coffee because he can either still get to sleep after having a few cups OR he goes to bed much later than I am planning and therefore needs to have it to stay up. Anyhow, I enjoy our times in Panera.

We're productive, away from the many things that could be done at home (dog needs, sweeping, organizing, washing dishes, etc), and able to focus on the tasks at hand.

Sometimes I have fun, too.

Tonight I was not planning on getting a bunch of work done and I don't have a bunch of work to do! Jim did have a lot and wanted a few hours of blocked-out time to do so. So, I spent some time applying for a volunteer coaching position for U6 in Blacksburg (Which I know I already have... Yay!), emailing, checking facebook, eating the free pastry we had on our Panera card, and taking the above and bellow picture.

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