Monday, February 21, 2011

An Heirloom

This summer began the dividing of heirlooms from our grandparents. I didn't want to choose something that would be prized by other relatives, so I tried to think outside the box. Throughout my childhood I remember my grandpa spending hours sketching and drawing up plans for sundials, wood-burned signs and name plates, cutting up newspaper articles, and framing pictures at this table. He spent many an hour in the basement at this table. This was the table we'd walk by every time we entered their house through the basement.

When I asked about it, everyone decided it was available. So, my dad brought it down to us this summer when he came to visit. It also had some gems in the drawers, such as this coaster from 1969!

It was covered in glue and a vinyl cover. Jim has spent last weekend and a few days refurbishing it. Here it is, the finished product!

It's just beautiful. A true heirloom. I sit with my feet perched on the worn beams from where my grandpa's feet always rubbed. Surrounded by his love and remembering his love for exact details. I sit in soft memories and with a lump in my throat. I will always cherish this table.

Your legacy continues, Grandpa. This table will be the home to many projects!

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