OH, this girl!
We just adore her. Seriously.
We didn't know how much we needed her until she arrived.
Each and every one of us is better because she is here.
Her deep blue eyes quickly break into a smile for each person who will smile at her. She brings such joy, such light to any room. Although she's ALWAYS smiling, I had a great deal of trouble getting her to smile for this photo shoot. Ha! The big camera is just a little too distracting for her, I think. Scroll to the bottom and you'll see a truly gleeful Liesl smile.And she's just so lovely and cuddly. She wants to be held most of the time and we are happy to oblige. Ian and Owen love to hold her and keep her company. Sometimes I have to beg them to give her a little space!
This month she's REALLY been into her hands. She loves to hold them, study them, interlace them, clutch them in fists, spread them to grab items around here.
THOSE BABY BLUES. I mean, c'mon. Worth mentioning twice.
Her hair continues to grow longer and curl in the humidity and after bath times. And she gets many compliments on her hair color. It's getting longer and longer. I really hope she lets me braid it, one day!! <3
I can't believe she's four months old, and yet... I can hardly believe that this little soul has only been here 1/3 of a year.
She's loves to talk and babble back and forth. But she's also willing to just chat away on her own in the carseat, or before she goes to sleep, or while she's looking at toys on the floor around her. Such a delight, this girl.
It makes her giggle when you kiss her on the cheek or touch or kiss her belly.
This is her amused face, which usually breaks into a BIG beautiful smile. On this day, she was elusive :)
At this point she was always rolling onto her side, but not quite all of the way over from back to front. Her arm often got in her way. She did LOTS of crunches, bringing her legs way up high and rocking back and forth. So strong, that girl.
She will move mountains one day. I just know it.
And the four of us will be there to cheer her on, through each milestone. She certainly has the best cheering squad I know.
She's wearing six month clothes, rarely spits up, eats & sleeps like a champ.
At her four month appointment she weighed 17 lbs, which is double her birth weight! Plus one pound :) (I need to double check her height)
She keeps her gaze on me, always wanting to know where I am. She still despises the carseat, but she's getting a little better about it. She loves watching her brothers and listening to them sing.
She LOVES it when I sing to her. Her eyes light up and she smiles and grins at me.
She LOVES attention from her papa, too. His scratchy beard makes her grin... we'll see how long that lasts ;)
And.... here's the grin from this little girl that I will always remember. This adorable, cheerful smile that brings her entire face into the expressions.

Happy 4 Months, Sweet Liesl!
You love: Mama's singing, scratchy kisses from Papa, chatting with your brothers, chatting yourself to sleep, rolling onto your side, being worn in the carrier, being carried or held, being outside, gumming on toys, watching mama, doing crunches.
You despise: the carseat, being put down on the floor by yourself. Other than those two things you are VERY content.
Gosh, we are so grateful for you <3
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