It's entirely bewildering to me how we could have already reached two months with sweet Liesl! I'd even been saying that she was one week younger than she was for a few weeks, perhaps, subconsciously, willing it to be so!
This month had quite a few new developments. She started locking eyes with us and tracking us as we moved around her. Then she began smiling and making great gaping mouth grins that melted us straight to the core.

She went through lots of growth spurts, wanting to nurse and grow, nurse and grow. This meant that she was extra aware of when Mama was not in her vicinity. We've spent a lovely month bonding in this way. And she has a few extra rolls to squish and cuddle. I certainly feel like she's sturdy when I'm carrying her around, both in weight and in strength.

Her neck is SO STRONG! During tummy time, she can lift herself up all of the way to look around in front of her. With all of the action of two big brothers, a dog, and two busy parents, it's no wonder you're interested in what this zoo of a household has going on ;)
Most recently she's started cooing back and and forth with us, which is just the sweetest. She coos, then we echo her, and she makes a delighted smile before cooing again. This cycle continues for as long as she'll go before she gets hungry or tired again. Darling girl, what joy you bring!
After baths her hair curls up all over her head, making her strawberry-tinged hair even that much more adorable. It will be interesting to see if those curls stick around.
Today Jim was eating a blueberry and he held it up to her eyes and said, "Her eyes really do look like blueberries!" It's true, dear one, your eyes are the deep shade of blue. We've done a fair amount of picking blueberries lately, and you're eyes match each and every one of them.
Your brothers are far away, whenever you're awake. THEY LOVE YOU! One of their common bickers is over who gets to hold you first. Not a bad problem to have! Ian likes to bounce you to help you calm down and both boys like to sing to you and speak comforting words of encouragement such as, "Mama's right here" or "We hear you.
The boys burst into the room while I was snapping these pictures of you and wanted to help :)
Liesl sleeps FAR MORE in duration throughout the night than either of her brothers did. In fact, sometimes Owen still wakes me up in the night and Liesl sleeps through! Most of the time she wakes up once around 4ish and then again around 6ish before getting up for the day around 7:30 AM. It's lovely and we'll see how long it lasts.
Oh sweet girl.... life with you is wonderful.
And we can't wait to learn more about who you are in month three.
Since it's so hard for me to choose, here are some of my favorite pictures of you from the two month shoot. Pictures always say more than words, anyway.
Happy 2 Months, Liesl Gale!
You love: cooing, smiling, being sung to, nursing, being bounced on the yoga ball, being swaddled, your brothers & Papa chatting with you, sleeping long chunks of time at night (hooray!!), being held, & being worn in the sling.
You despise: Being put down on your back on a blanket when no one's right there to talk to, the carseat, and (occasionally) the evening hours right before bed.
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