Dear Owen,
Tomorrow you turn TWO years old! It's unthinkable to me that you're turning two and yet it seems you've always been with us. You are such an integral part of our family fabric, offering comedic relief, a taste of reality when we've pushed you past snack or naptime, and you bring SO MUCH LIGHT & JOY to each of our hearts.
Actually, you bring smiles and laughter and warmth into the lives of every person you encounter. Today we were at Trader Joe's, where you insisted on walking, helping me push the cart, and following me through the entire store. Nearly every person commented on how adorable you are, how chill, how sweet you were as a helper, and the list goes on. It's true, dear boy, you are an absolute blessing.
We have many nicknames for you. You are known as "O" and "Owen Bowen," which we shortened to "Obo." I can be found walking up to you saying, "Sweet O," and I've heard Papa call you "Obo" a fair amount. I guess those are the main names we have for you. Ian often calls you "Owen Bowen," perhaps because he is often called "Ian Bian."
You are speaking in complete sentences and WOWING us daily with your vocabulary! What fun it is to hear you navigate the English language with ease. You LOVE reading all of the song books we have and just yesterday you sang the ENTIRE song "A Fox Went Out on a Chilly Night." I have it on video to prove it. Amazing!
Right now you sleep in the play room and you typically go to bed around 6:45. You can be heard chatting and giggling to yourself for a while after and then you drift off to sleep on your sheepskin, with "epard" (leopard) tucked tightly in your arm. In the morning you read and chat in your bed for a while before you start calling, "Mama, Mama! I awake!" When I answer that I am coming you quickly say, "Okay!"
That's one of your favorite words right now. "Okay!" You say it with such elation that it makes me smile each time.
"Owen, are you ready to go?"
"Okay! Les go!"
"Owen, it's time to get dressed."
Even when you're upset and we are explaining what we can do to make it better, you respond with a pitiful, "Okay." And it melts us a bit more.
It's safe to say that you are a beach boy, through and through. Even when it's twenty degrees outside, you can't keep your hands out of the sand. On this day in January, you ripped off your mittens to get your hands nice and sandy. What fun this summer will be with you!
Whatever your big brother is doing, you want to do too! You two have quite the rambunctious and loving relationship, with some squabbles thrown in-between. We don't have to worry too much about Ian overpowering you, you typically hold your own and let him know exactly what you're thinking!! We're proud of how you use your voice to express your emotions and know you'll become even more articulate in the future.
It's quite often that we find the two of you cuddled up reading books or when you're watching your show of the day. You come up with all sorts of adventures to do together and it's just so fun to observe!
We aren't sure how much you understand about this baby growing inside of Mama, but you are absolutely fascinated by the one at the library! Every week during our visit, the FIRST THING you do is find the baby and take care of her. Here you had just given her a little kiss. All the heart eyes. I know it will be far different to have a living baby enter our home and lives, but I am hopeful that you will love this sweet baby too. You have such a tender heart. When we see babies in public, you often comment on the baby and grow concerned if it's upset. I'm looking forward to seeing you as a big brother, but I am grateful to cuddle you as my littlest baby for a few months more.
And when there's a grin on your face, you can bet we're smiling too. You have a way of spreading contagious joy to all you meet.
Oh, dear Obo.... I'm sure I'll be adding to this post a lot as things come to me over the next few days and weeks, but I had to get some of this down. YOU ARE SO DELIGHTFUL!
We love you ever so much. I can't believe we get to laugh with you and watch you grow and learn every day. What a GIFT.
Love you, love you!
Mama, Papa, Ian & Baby B
Tomorrow you turn TWO years old! It's unthinkable to me that you're turning two and yet it seems you've always been with us. You are such an integral part of our family fabric, offering comedic relief, a taste of reality when we've pushed you past snack or naptime, and you bring SO MUCH LIGHT & JOY to each of our hearts.

We have many nicknames for you. You are known as "O" and "Owen Bowen," which we shortened to "Obo." I can be found walking up to you saying, "Sweet O," and I've heard Papa call you "Obo" a fair amount. I guess those are the main names we have for you. Ian often calls you "Owen Bowen," perhaps because he is often called "Ian Bian."
You are speaking in complete sentences and WOWING us daily with your vocabulary! What fun it is to hear you navigate the English language with ease. You LOVE reading all of the song books we have and just yesterday you sang the ENTIRE song "A Fox Went Out on a Chilly Night." I have it on video to prove it. Amazing!

That's one of your favorite words right now. "Okay!" You say it with such elation that it makes me smile each time.
"Owen, are you ready to go?"
"Okay! Les go!"
"Owen, it's time to get dressed."
Even when you're upset and we are explaining what we can do to make it better, you respond with a pitiful, "Okay." And it melts us a bit more.
It's safe to say that you are a beach boy, through and through. Even when it's twenty degrees outside, you can't keep your hands out of the sand. On this day in January, you ripped off your mittens to get your hands nice and sandy. What fun this summer will be with you!
Whatever your big brother is doing, you want to do too! You two have quite the rambunctious and loving relationship, with some squabbles thrown in-between. We don't have to worry too much about Ian overpowering you, you typically hold your own and let him know exactly what you're thinking!! We're proud of how you use your voice to express your emotions and know you'll become even more articulate in the future.
It's quite often that we find the two of you cuddled up reading books or when you're watching your show of the day. You come up with all sorts of adventures to do together and it's just so fun to observe!
We aren't sure how much you understand about this baby growing inside of Mama, but you are absolutely fascinated by the one at the library! Every week during our visit, the FIRST THING you do is find the baby and take care of her. Here you had just given her a little kiss. All the heart eyes. I know it will be far different to have a living baby enter our home and lives, but I am hopeful that you will love this sweet baby too. You have such a tender heart. When we see babies in public, you often comment on the baby and grow concerned if it's upset. I'm looking forward to seeing you as a big brother, but I am grateful to cuddle you as my littlest baby for a few months more.
Oh, sweet Owen. You fill our days with silliness and happiness.
You remind us to explore and seek and learn from the eyes of a child.And when there's a grin on your face, you can bet we're smiling too. You have a way of spreading contagious joy to all you meet.
Oh, dear Obo.... I'm sure I'll be adding to this post a lot as things come to me over the next few days and weeks, but I had to get some of this down. YOU ARE SO DELIGHTFUL!
We love you ever so much. I can't believe we get to laugh with you and watch you grow and learn every day. What a GIFT.
Love you, love you!
Mama, Papa, Ian & Baby B
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