If you were to ask me how I picture Owen, so may images come to mind. He's still the darling newborn, squinting at the brightness of the outside world. He's the baby nestled on my chest. He's lying on his back on a blanket, observing the world around him. He's scrunching up his nose and giggling at his brother. He's reaching for Papa for a long hug. He's my constant companion and snuggler. He's our chimp-like-shuffle-crawler, "Moosie", O, and our "favorite baby in the whole world." Somehow we managed to live without him, but it's impossible, now, to imagine how.

He's shown us that love truly does expand and grow-- I'm almost startled by how deeply and uniquely my heart can love these two boys.

Owen's personality is practically bursting! He loves to laugh, express his opinions, and keep the rest of us in stitches. He's pretty fearless and wants to be in on the action, wherever Ian is!
He's cruising furniture, standing up on his own, and squatting down and up without holding onto things. As of yet, he has not taken his first steps on his own, but it's not far off. Life is safer for this second born the closer he remains to the floor, with a big brother and big dog around.
Owen climbs up and down off of the couch now, keeping life exciting! He also climbs up and down on the kids table and chairs.
Coloring with Ian is a favorite past-time. The boys do a fairly good job of coloring on the paper and interacting through using the markers and crayons. Ian is enjoying having a partner to play with and, for the most part, directs Owen calmly and nicely while coloring.
In general, Owen LOVES playing with Ian!!! He is not one to be left out of any activity!! If Ian's doing it and it's within reach, he's there and attempting it, too. Oh the things these boys will do together in the future....

Peek-a-boo is another popular activity for Owen! We have curtains hanging in our living room and Owen likes to stand behind them and hold the curtain in his hand with one hand, while the other braces him on the window. The curtain is somewhat transparent, so he can see us and we can see him the entire time-- which is what makes it so fun! We can see him peering at us through the curtain, waiting until he shows us his face. When he does draw the curtain back his eyes are squinting and nose is scrunching and his sweet little teeth shine in a huge smile. It's oh-so-fun! Ian loves to play it with him, too.
Owen LOOOVES music. If we sing a song or have music playing, you can almost always find Owen bobbing his body to the beat. He even bobbed to happy birthday, when we sang it to him multiple times on his first birthday!! He's even started humming and singing along to songs we are singing; he's part of the band, after all. I love that he just falls into step, understanding that he's one of the gang.
When we say, "How big is Owen?" He holds his hands high above his head and we say "SO BIG!!" It's a tradition in my family and Owen obliges us. Ian likes to ask him, too. Although sometimes he corrects us that Owen is still little and that he's not very big. It's true... we do tell him many times a day that we need to be patient, careful, etc. when interacting with Owen... he is still little, the littlest one in these parts.
At dinnertime he takes our hands and we all sing grace. He often will bob to the song. The first time he grabbed my hand at grace at dinner, I was a bit taken aback. He has been observing and knows just what to do.
Owen is certainly one to make his opinions known, be it loud squeals of frustration or joy! He knows what he likes and what he does not like. He shakes his head and squeals when he doesn't like something, or he holds on to what he wants for dear life. As a younger brother, he often does have to fight for his rights.
For a stretch around his birthday, he was particularly clingy but he seems to have moved out of that while we are around the house. He has started climbing the couches and chairs and gets a huge kick out of tossing himself down on the cushions of the couch or on a dog bed, blanket, or pillow. It's quite funny, really! He tosses himself and then giggles or squeals in delight.

Owen likes to play chase with Ian and Papa! It's a nightly routine, when the gang's all here, and, though he's often far behind the other two, this little fella knows the ropes!!
He's also started making up his own games by playing with the wiffle balls he got for his birthday, batting them around with objects, putting the magnet tiles on and off of the fridge and pots and pans, climbing up and down the step stool, and the list goes on! One day he took his wooden train piece and placed it over his waterbottle, so they were connected. He's totally into exploring EVERYTHING around him and it's a joy to observe!
Speaking of water bottle, he got it for his birthday and he LOVES it! It's hard to know if he likes it because of the way it feels in his mouth or because he now has his OWN like the one Ian had. Every once in a while Ian wants to use it and Owen can become quite protective, but then will also share it. Fascinating watching these interactions unfold. I try not to get in the way, but I often do... need to work on that.
It's amazing to me to sit back and look at these pictures. It seems like a blip in time... how has a year passed us by!? Who is this strapping young baby-turning-toddler? And yet, my heart knows each milestone and this sweet lad's wonderful presence so well.
We had a very low-key birthday party, with just the four of us. It was lovely.
In preparation for his first birthday, Ian and I were talking about what kind of a cake we should make. Quickly, Ian decided that he should have a carrot cake for his birthday and so that's what we did! (Side note- Ian has stated that at his next birthday he will have a strawberry cake with a dragon on top. We'll see if that remains his request as months go on!)
Ian helped me to mix the cake ingredients, all the while talking about Owen's birthday. How fun it is to start celebrating with a child who understands and catches the enthusiasm and joy behind celebrating the life of another who's dear to them.
We decorated the top with a greek yogurt-based icing, thinly sliced carrots, and cilantro leaves for the "stems" of the carrots.
Judging by his face, I think he approves!!! It was pretty special to watch Ian get so into celebrating Owen's birthday. He joyfully sand the song and helped him blow out his candle.
Owen devoured his cake. I totally forgot to take pictures of his cake smash... but consider it smashed and annihilated.
I mean, his was gone before the rest of us even started! Haha! And you can see that Papa made homemade pizza for his birthday dinner-- YUM!
And, because one year olds don't mind and also need to go to bed at 6:30 (that day)... we waited until the following morning to open presents. Ian was happy to assist...
And quickly thumbed his way through every single page, taking it all in.
Gramee & Grandpa sent Owen a card that had a mirror inside. Owen found himself!!! Haha!! Love the expression here, when he first saw his face reflecting back at him.
Here he is with his water bottle. As I mentioned before, he's absolutely crazy about it! And Ian's holding the book he chose for Owen.
We gave him a bunch of wiffle balls, among other things, and he couldn't be happier tossing them around the room.
Owen adores Leif and is so, so gentle with him.
And when one goes in, they both go in. Leif is an AMAZINGLY patient dog with these wild boys around.
Oh, O...

You are a bundle of giggles, squeals, hugs, energy, and love. We are so grateful to be your parents-- what a joy you are to each of us and to Ian.
Here's to the fastest, most love-filled twelve months of my life.
You, my boy, are a gem.
Owen's personality is practically bursting! He loves to laugh, express his opinions, and keep the rest of us in stitches. He's pretty fearless and wants to be in on the action, wherever Ian is!
He's cruising furniture, standing up on his own, and squatting down and up without holding onto things. As of yet, he has not taken his first steps on his own, but it's not far off. Life is safer for this second born the closer he remains to the floor, with a big brother and big dog around.
Coloring with Ian is a favorite past-time. The boys do a fairly good job of coloring on the paper and interacting through using the markers and crayons. Ian is enjoying having a partner to play with and, for the most part, directs Owen calmly and nicely while coloring.
In general, Owen LOVES playing with Ian!!! He is not one to be left out of any activity!! If Ian's doing it and it's within reach, he's there and attempting it, too. Oh the things these boys will do together in the future....
Peek-a-boo is another popular activity for Owen! We have curtains hanging in our living room and Owen likes to stand behind them and hold the curtain in his hand with one hand, while the other braces him on the window. The curtain is somewhat transparent, so he can see us and we can see him the entire time-- which is what makes it so fun! We can see him peering at us through the curtain, waiting until he shows us his face. When he does draw the curtain back his eyes are squinting and nose is scrunching and his sweet little teeth shine in a huge smile. It's oh-so-fun! Ian loves to play it with him, too.
This is our darling Owen, captured in a full smile as he looks at big brother Ian :) This photo truly captures his sweet disposition. |

When we say, "How big is Owen?" He holds his hands high above his head and we say "SO BIG!!" It's a tradition in my family and Owen obliges us. Ian likes to ask him, too. Although sometimes he corrects us that Owen is still little and that he's not very big. It's true... we do tell him many times a day that we need to be patient, careful, etc. when interacting with Owen... he is still little, the littlest one in these parts.
At dinnertime he takes our hands and we all sing grace. He often will bob to the song. The first time he grabbed my hand at grace at dinner, I was a bit taken aback. He has been observing and knows just what to do.
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I think I found my silhouette picture. Time to start crafting! <3 |
For a stretch around his birthday, he was particularly clingy but he seems to have moved out of that while we are around the house. He has started climbing the couches and chairs and gets a huge kick out of tossing himself down on the cushions of the couch or on a dog bed, blanket, or pillow. It's quite funny, really! He tosses himself and then giggles or squeals in delight.
He's also started making up his own games by playing with the wiffle balls he got for his birthday, batting them around with objects, putting the magnet tiles on and off of the fridge and pots and pans, climbing up and down the step stool, and the list goes on! One day he took his wooden train piece and placed it over his waterbottle, so they were connected. He's totally into exploring EVERYTHING around him and it's a joy to observe!
Speaking of water bottle, he got it for his birthday and he LOVES it! It's hard to know if he likes it because of the way it feels in his mouth or because he now has his OWN like the one Ian had. Every once in a while Ian wants to use it and Owen can become quite protective, but then will also share it. Fascinating watching these interactions unfold. I try not to get in the way, but I often do... need to work on that.
Owen has four teeth on the top and two on the bottom of his mouth.
His favorite foods are roasted broccoli, cheddar cheese, raisins, & cooked carrots. But really, he'd eat broccoli all of the time, if he could.
He wakes up often through the night to nurse. During the day he's too busy and distracted and seems to nurse only before naps and bedtime, maybe a couple other little times. He has started drinking cows milk and really likes it!
He hasn't had a haircut yet, but it may be happening soon, especially on the back of his head.We had a very low-key birthday party, with just the four of us. It was lovely.
In preparation for his first birthday, Ian and I were talking about what kind of a cake we should make. Quickly, Ian decided that he should have a carrot cake for his birthday and so that's what we did! (Side note- Ian has stated that at his next birthday he will have a strawberry cake with a dragon on top. We'll see if that remains his request as months go on!)
Ian helped me to mix the cake ingredients, all the while talking about Owen's birthday. How fun it is to start celebrating with a child who understands and catches the enthusiasm and joy behind celebrating the life of another who's dear to them.
We decorated the top with a greek yogurt-based icing, thinly sliced carrots, and cilantro leaves for the "stems" of the carrots.
Judging by his face, I think he approves!!! It was pretty special to watch Ian get so into celebrating Owen's birthday. He joyfully sand the song and helped him blow out his candle.
Owen devoured his cake. I totally forgot to take pictures of his cake smash... but consider it smashed and annihilated.
I mean, his was gone before the rest of us even started! Haha! And you can see that Papa made homemade pizza for his birthday dinner-- YUM!
And, because one year olds don't mind and also need to go to bed at 6:30 (that day)... we waited until the following morning to open presents. Ian was happy to assist...
And quickly thumbed his way through every single page, taking it all in.
Gramee & Grandpa sent Owen a card that had a mirror inside. Owen found himself!!! Haha!! Love the expression here, when he first saw his face reflecting back at him.
Here he is with his water bottle. As I mentioned before, he's absolutely crazy about it! And Ian's holding the book he chose for Owen.
We gave him a bunch of wiffle balls, among other things, and he couldn't be happier tossing them around the room.
Owen adores Leif and is so, so gentle with him.
And when one goes in, they both go in. Leif is an AMAZINGLY patient dog with these wild boys around.
Oh, O...
You are a bundle of giggles, squeals, hugs, energy, and love. We are so grateful to be your parents-- what a joy you are to each of us and to Ian.
Here's to the fastest, most love-filled twelve months of my life.
You, my boy, are a gem.
Happy 1st Birthday, Owen David!!!
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