Friday, May 20, 2016

Let's Play Catch-Up, Quickly

Way back, a long, long time ago....

My mom came to visit for a weekend. It was a hard weekend for a few reasons, but having her here was really helpful. Jim and I went out for a morning date, which was much-needed. Unfortunately, Mom wasn't feeling so well and was sick for most of a day, but we still had a nice visit.

 Unfortunately the family picture's blurry :(

Owen's not too happy
 I hosted a MOPS event around the campfire. It was a wonderful night of enjoying each other's company around a campfire.

 Time with Papa :)

Look at those adoring eyes... :)

Owen's smile cracks me up. Must have been a funny book!

 One night we had our friends Jess & Chris over for dinner. Their twins were born 5 days after Owen, so we had to get a picture!! Well, really a million...

 In five days in February we went from two children to five!!
 Owen got a package in the mail. Ian showed him his special shoes from Gramee & Grandpa.
 They say his name and have the date of his birth on the soles. Thank you, Gramee & Grandpa!!
 Ian went on a huge play-doh kick for a while and made these cool shades :)
 Owen turned 12 weeks!

 He's strong & busy & handsome.
 And very smily. Such a happy, easy-going guy.
What joy he's brought our family. This little man is one amazingly content little guy. More to come in his three month post.
 Ian grows more independent every day, but he still has a need for mama's snuggles.
 One weekend, we headed up to Philadelphia to visit the family and see Jim's playoff rugby game in Reading, PA. It was a great opportunity to spend time with the family, since all of them live within an hour of Philadelphia. Thank you, Erin & Russ, for hosting us for the weekend!!
It was so fun to see our niece, Seraphina!! She is so sweet and adorable. And she is quite the little walker at 10 months old!! Amazing!

The weekend was mostly spent watching the cousins interact, when we weren't watching the rugby game :)

The whole family after the rugby game. The team put up a great effort, but lost to Reading in the playoffs. A great experience for our team and fun to debrief with Jim afterward. He played a great game. Thanks to the family for coming out and watching!
Afterward we all headed back to Erin & Russ' for dinner together.

Three of the four Barlow guys.

I think Gramee was in heaven having the whole family together, if only for a day. The best mother's day gift.

The first of many obligatory cousins pictures for these kiddos...

It's been a full and busy spring and it hasn't stopped there. 
We're so grateful for time spent with our families and our boys.

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