Wednesday, December 17, 2014

14 Months!!

Welp. A whole month has almost gone by (tomorrow marks the day) and Ian's fourteen month post hasn't been posted. Between Thanksgiving hosting, a missing camera cord, holiday prep, moving to Richmond for a month, and chasing after said fourteen month old, this post didn't write itself.

The days have grown colder and crisper, but this hasn't stopped our boy from enjoying his time outside and with his pup. He's normally found with layers of clothing and socks on his hands.

I'll let the photos speak for themselves...

Exclaiming his opinions and thoughts!!

Oh no you didn't?!?! 
Love how he sticks his tongue out when he's happy!

Alwayssss moving.

The stair-down.
You Love: time in the yard, sliding very quickly down the stairs (eek!), putting things away in their spots, putting tops on containers, putting things inside of different containers, putting the toilet seat down, putting toilet paper in the toilet (ugh!), humming songs, playing the xylophone or drums, eating spinach and feta omelets, climbing on the table, leaping fearlessly into our arms when we come to get you off of the table (yikes!), reading books, stroller naps, saying "Bubye" when he sees cars, leaving things when we say "Bubye" to them, helping when we put his clothes or shoes on, climbing, exploring, and being around dogs and other kiddos.

(Some of these may not be exactly on target because the last two months are running together!)

Happy 14 months, Darling Boy!!

Oh, Ian Forrester... we love you.

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