Thank you for all of the wonderful birthday messages!! I truly appreciated each and every one of my messages, phone calls, pictures, and texts.
Technology can be a wonderful thing, connecting us to family and friends all over the world. As I read through the messages, I was overwhelmed with joy thinking about each person and their impact on my life. People from every season of my life were represented. That's pretty wonderful and amazing, when you think about it. So, thank you, thank you!!
Photo Credit: Erin! A pic from the beach.
Some of my best birthday gifts came from this little guy, who has truly started hugging and cuddling close throughout the day. He has a firm and steady hug, just like a good handshake. Fortunately, the hugs last longer than handshakes!
There's a lot of this crazy motion, mixed with sloppy kisses, hugs, and leaning in for a loving head-butt or nuzzle. I think this photo captures that well...
Naps are getting longer and more predictable! Yay! Happy birthday to me!
Sorry for the blurry-ness. That's life these days!
Thanks again for all of the love!
Twenty-eight isn't looking too bad :)
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