Those baby blues. The porcelain skin. That smile. The strawberry blonde hair.
I can't get enough of this little 20 week old!
This week Ian's started to really notice and care if I leave the room. His eyes follow my every move. I heard that babies consider their moms to be part of their body for much of their first year of life. Not sure how we know that, but it seems to be somewhat true for Ian. He's also very fascinated by his papa. When Jim's in the room, he often watches him and waits for him to turn around and smile at him. Jim loves to come up and get as many smiles as he can. It's pretty sweet.

Rolling is getting faster and faster! He'll often add a soft grunt to the final thrust of his roll. He has not attempted to roll from his stomach to his back yet. He gets tired of being on his stomach and starts to whine sometimes and I wait to see if he'll try to roll, but eventually assist him in rolling over when he gets too frustrated. He'll figure it out one day.
It's so nice to have the option of putting him in this bouncer while we're in the kitchen. He loves to bounce and turn. Leif often comes through this doorway and Ian enjoys watching him come and go.
We went on a five mile hike last Saturday on Sulfur Ridge and Price Mountain Trails. Though it was a cold day, Ian was a champ. He was all bundled up and cozy while riding with Papa in the Beco. He was awake for the beginning but soon fell asleep for the entire hike. We've gone on a few short hikes (Falls Ridge, Cascades, Paris View, & walks around Heritage Park) since Ian was born, but this was my first somewhat strenuous hike.
This week Ian has been waking up much earlier and so I've been waking up in the dark. 5:30, 6:00, 6:30... in that range. Fortunately there are some beautiful sunrises just outside our door.
We've both had colds this week, so perhaps that has something to do with his getting up earlier. This cold has not been nearly as pitiful as the one he had when he was two weeks old. Oi! That one was so hard because he really couldn't breathe when trying to nurse. I had to constantly use the bulb syringe in order for him to eat and function. Not now! He's taking it in stride and I've only used it a couple times during the hardest days.
I have to admit that I LOVE cloth diapering. I once read that it takes disposable diapers 400 years to break down. Umm. Yikes! Every time I put a disposable diaper on him I cringe inside, but that is what I do during the night. He only needs one through the night, whereas I think he'd needs a few changes with a cloth diaper. And the disposable keeps the moisture away from his bum. But I really don't mind the laundry and the extra folding. Somehow I feel more connected to him. Weird. I know. A BIG thank you to Julie for her hand-me-down stash and to Cathleen, Adrienne, Rena, Joi, & Marianne for also supporting us in this endeavor!
Who can mind washing this guy's cloth diapers?! He's just too sweet. |
Thanks Gramee & Grandpa for the outfits in this picture and the one above! |
Here's an example of the pivot! |
This week we learned that it's time to install the breathable bumper on the side of his crib. One day I went into the nursery to work on a few things right after he woke up from a nap. I left him in the crib, since he was content but soon had to rescue a very upset boy because his feet were stuck through the sides. He continues to grow and change, every day there's something new to consider. That's parenthood, I'm learning!
Here are a few more snapshots from our week, since I can't pick and choose very well!
This one looks almost exactly like my baby pictures! Once again he's off the mat. It's normal these days. Thanks for the football, Carla! He loves it.
Ian's chariot while Mama played fetch with Leif. What a content little boy.
A snuggle session for boys only. Ian is totally fascinated by Leif. At the moment Leif could care less, but one day they'll be best buds. Ian gets a huge smile when he sees Leif. In this picture he looks like he's caught red-handed. Haha! (Look closely and you'll see the elbow pad!)
He's started grabbing his feet A LOT. His feet are rarely out of socks or booties, but it doesn't seem to matter.
He does spend time off of this blanket and mat, I promise. It's just such a nice central location in the house and therefore it's often where I remember to take his picture!
This is a common sight. Ian is surrounded by toys and moving and looking to observe everything!
He's devouring every book he can! This one's a particularly good choice. This book actually got me my first teaching job in Louisiana. Thanks, Mom, for a great, classic collection of little board books. We read them often, when we aren't eating them.
You can see that his hand coordination is getting better. He's grasping and holding everything he can.
He looks like such a little boy in this picture! I swear he's only four months old. Goodness!
This "Little Explorer" vest was another GREAT find! It won't be long until he's exploring the woods and hiking with us!
Here's a picture of Kristy, our current upstairs neighbor for a few months. Ian and I are getting a fair amount of time with her, which is really nice. We often joke that he could be her child, since they have matching strawberry-blonde hair. We'll be spending lots of time upstairs watching the Olympics! Don't worry, I'll be the one watching and trying to keep Ian facing away from the tube!
Jim surprised me by planning an early Valentine's Day date to Chateau Morrisette, a winery on the Blue Ridge Parkway outside of Floyd. We had a wine tasting and then a luxurious dinner at their restaurant. With a clutch last-minute change, our friends (Thanks Mike & Lindsay!!!) took Ian for five hours. We were very grateful. It was a nice chance to be together and then we were ready to return to our little boy.
Happy 20 weeks, Ian!!!
Oh, Ian Forrester... you're growing up so fast! I cannot believe my little 4.75 month old is starting to wear 12 month clothes! If you're like your papa, you'll be wearing 2T by the time you're one.
We love you so much.
P.S. Today is Match Day! Today's the day we learn where we'll be living for Jim to complete residency during the next three years! It's amazing that four years or medical school is coming to a close. Another new beginning's on it's way.
Oh...I've been waiting to hear what happens on Match Day!!! News, please!!
ReplyDeleteAnd, Ian...he's the cutest boy in the world. And I'm not prejudice in any way, honest.
I can't believe he's only 4 months old. He looks so big! He's adorable, that's for sure. We, too, are curious about your next adventures. We'll be awaiting a post about it soon!
ReplyDeleteLove the post and photos, as always! Sorry to hear you both had colds but that it wasn't too bad. How exciting that today is match day, I bet you are on the edge of your seat. Looking forward to hearing the news!