Peek-a-boo |
Like boy, like pup. Leif decided to hop into Ian's spot soon after I moved him. |
But one day we'll know the story of his hands better. We'll know what talents he has, what sports he enjoys playing (if any), and what impact he'll make in this world. We'll be on the sidelines cheering him on, crying the tears, feeling the woes, laughing at the jokes, and walking this life with him. ***Cue teary-eyed mother over here.***
Right now Ian really doesn't need any toys. His hands completely suffice. He'll lie surrounded by toys and choose only to suck on or hold his own hands. Soon I know this will change, but for right now it's enjoyable to observe.
Although he has no clue that they are a part of his body, his feet have also been fun to watch (for us) these days. When he lies on his back, he spends much of the time attempting to match the soles of his feet together. He doesn't actually look to see if he's doing it, his feet just constantly are trying to match each other. A yoga pose, I believe.
The best time to "chat" with Ian tends to be when he is lying on the diaper-changing pad. He's right at eye level and loves to coo back and forth. It makes changing diapers quite enjoyable, actually. He's always content to be lying down on these pads. He likes to be changed! Who would have thought that he'd like to have a clean, dry diaper?!
For a while there he did not seem to mind being placed somewhere while I ran to the bathroom, made a quick breakfast, or some other short task. Recently, he has started to really mind if I leave him for any period of time. He knows too well!
He continues to enjoy airplane, giving me smiles, some giggles, and cascades of drool as we play. The yoga DVD I mentioned before has exercises that you can do during airplane to help strengthen the non-existent abs after a baby is born. I want to get into more of a routine of actually doing it. But I do pieces here and there throughout the day.
Ian loves bath time! He kicks and kicks the water and breathes in deeply when we pour any amount of water over his body. It normally takes a few minutes to get excited, but then he is all jittery. It's a blast.
He also loves it when I sing, "What does the Ian say?" And then proceed to make up a bunch of random sounds. This morning he was full of smiles and his mild giggles over this game. So fun.
I cannot say this enough- he is one VERY active boy. He wants to move all of the time and he wants to see absolutely everything. This makes it very hard for him to start the process of falling asleep for nap times and bed time. He often has to let off some steam by moving a lot and crying a bit before falling asleep, no matter how early I start the process of putting him down. It can be quite wearing and draining to put him down. We're both figuring it out together.
Hehe. |
Other than visiting family for the holidays next week, we're home and all together now for the rest of the year! No more boards. No more tough rotations. Whew. It feels good. Jim's pretty psyched about it, too. Ian? Well, he has no clue ;)
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
A HUGE THANK YOU to Jessica, Andrew, Esther, and Evangeline for hosting us in Bristol, Tennessee! Esther, the three year old, gave up her room for us and "Baby Ian" and we were so grateful. Thank you for the wonderful meals, conversations, babysitting Ian for the first time, ventures to the park and around Bristol, and taking us to the lights on the Bristol Speedway (our first time at a real racetrack)! You were incredibly gracious hosts and blessed us by your generosity and kindness. We look forward to the next time we are together!
Did you hear? I turned three months old this week. No joke. |
Happy three months, Ian Forrester!
You love: your hands, sucking on our knuckles and toys we hold near your mouth, smiling at us, bath time, "airplane" rides, walks and strolls outside, looking at everything, and moving as much as you can.
We love you, love you.
No mom you hear me? Not allowed. This world will suck you dry with the myriad of people who want to give you their opinions. You have been given all the intuition you need to be just the mom he needs at any given moment. :)