Monday, November 11, 2013

Nailed It.

This is an awesome article on the first year of being a mother/parent. I am going to be reading this often throughout this year. Thank you, Mary, for passing this along!
Papa & Ian
I read and read and read books before he was born and they soothed and comforted me at the time, but I have had to trust my intuition VERY MUCH now that he's in my arms. Some tips have been helpful, I've returned to some books for specific information I knew I'd read/seen, and I've thrown some stuff out the window. This article has been my favorite since he was born.

Ten True Things About the First Year of Parenthood

"Here’s the truth: you don’t know much of anything.  A year from now,  after your fantastic kid turns one, you won’t know much of anything still.  Gather wisdom around you.  Learn from your mistakes.  Stay humble.  Stay open.  When you know better, do better.  Be a better parent tomorrow than you were today, always, everyday, as often as you can.  Try things out and leave them behind shamelessly if they don’t work out.  Life isn’t a contest or a game – it’s simply only beautifully life. Live the minutes instead of scoring them.  Love that incredible baby."

Breastfeeding at the pumpkin patch.
#7 "Start stretching because it's time to get flexible."
Please take a minute to check out this article if you're in your first year, a parent, or not! It should at least give you a couple chuckles ;)

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