Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Call of the River

Oh joy of joys! I love mail. A friend from college just returned from her Peace Corps experience in Senegal and sent me a package. The first thing I pulled out was in the picture below. This quote is perfect for this blog and its blogger!

"The river has always appealed to the imagination. The sound of the brook has been music to the boy with the fishing rod. To follow a brook to its source has furnished enjoyment to many a lad. Following a river to its beginning has tempted many a man to perform a courageous deed. Hudson, LaSalle, and many others are historical testimonials of this lure.

The inventor, too, has heard the call. The stories of Fitch, Rumsey and Fulton are proofs of those who have answered it.

As civilization has progressed, the river has demanded that man harness its power, control its floods, and store its excess waters. The genius of many an engineer has been summoned to carry out its demands.

The river has been an inspiration to the religious man. The poet has sung of its beauty and the artist pictured its grandeur.

Adventurer, explorer, fir trader, pioneer, engineer, inventor, soldier, sailor, artist, and poet, one by one have answered its appeal. Each one will continue to respond in his own best way to the end of time."

In her note she says that she found this at her favorite used bookstore and it reminded her of me. I italicized that last paragraph because it really struck me to the core. The pictures are fantastic, too. This will soon have a place in a frame in our house.

And THEN I pulled out this beautiful apron!

This gorgeous apron was made by her tailor in Senegal out of one of her holiday outfits. How neat is that?! I am so touched by and grateful for these gifts. Thank you, Jennie!!!


My INR was at a 2.2 on Tuesday! I'm staying on my current dose and will check back with the family doctor on 5/15. Next Tuesday (5/8) I have an appointment with Dr. Marrufo, the neurologist, and so we'll learn more then.

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