Sunday, November 20, 2011


Our Thankful List (not necessarily in order of significance):

1. To have goals, as a teacher and a medical student, to achieve and strive to meet.

2. To have a loving network of family and friends who help to guide and support us through our peaks and valleys.

3. For our house, though we often complain, which does provide us shelter from storms and a safe haven for us and our pups.

4. For our car that gets us the many miles we need to go throughout our days, weeks, months, and years.

5. To have opportunities to travel to lands unlike our own and glean lessons and a different world view from those experiences.

6. For music and it's emotional outlet and connection to memories, people, and places.

7. For the simple joys that come with hobbies and making things with our own two hands.

8. For the beautiful location where we live, with so many opportunities for great hikes, paddles, bike rides, and more.

9. For mentors who share their life experiences and invest time and energy in our own.

10. For the opportunities we have to impact the lives of others (for the good) through our occupations or future occupations.

11. For the endurance, strength, and perseverance our parents fostered within us.

12. For our health and for the health of our family and friends... we had a few scary moments this year. We are thankful.

13. For warm fires, food in the fridge and cupboards, and clean water in our faucets.

14. For the dreams we share about our future...

15. For the many things we did not list here, but should have.

We look forward to sharing Thanksgiving with both of our families this year and are thankful for the time we get to spend with them!!!

What are you thankful for this holiday season?


  1. That picture of Hazel brought a huge smile to my face! Thanks for reminding me to be thankful for such simple/ IMPORTANT things like food in the cupboard and running water. We live such blessed lives!

  2. Uh, "well said" doesn't do your post justice!
    Love, Dad

  3. Beautiful list! Right now, I'm most thankful for food to eat and a warm home.
