Sunday, August 28, 2016

"End of Summer"

Somehow the end of summer is upon us. Last week Ian returned to his Parent's Morning Out (PMO) program, signifying the end of summer for us. I know summer lasts further, but it felt like a transition for our little family.

My heart felt the weight of that first day. Had I done everything I wanted to do with him this summer? Had he had a carefree, happy childhood summer? Have I listened and paused enough to truly hear and enjoy time with him? Had I been too snippy when the baby needed something or my mind was distracted by other things on my plate? I hope not. I hope he felt the love, the stillness, the warmth, and the joy of summer.

Recently, I uploaded pictures of our August. Here's a smattering of the photos from our camera. I've struggled because the phone is much easier to use to capture our days. Our camera is too bulky. If you want to see what we've been up to daily, find us on Instagram at "riverandshore".

Ian's started using the potty, occasionally. Here was one of the first times that he took an interest to sit on it on his own. I put a stack of books next to him on the dresser and he read them one by one, before putting them in a pile on the floor. Owen and I decided to keep him company :)
One thing I need to change is the fact that I haven't printed pictures in almost two years. Crazy, right? I store all of our pictures here on the blog, on my computer or external hard-drive, or in my Google drive. So, Ian enjoys looking at pictures of himself and Owen on my phone. He watches videos or his recent accomplishments and activities and scrolls through recent pictures of what we've done. One day we'll print his blog in books and he will be able to see them here, too. But, truly, I should print some pictures! For a boy who gets very little screen time, we don't think looking through pictures of our goings ons is a bad thing ;)
Owen & Mama. Love this kiddo.
Recently, Owen's become a fan of this swing! Gramee and I made it for Ian around nine or ten months old and now he's able to sit up enough to use it.
Ian enjoys pushing him gently. We couldn't ask for a better big brother. Seriously.

When we're inside, Owen has a special blanket spot on the floor. It's been there since we brought him home from the hospital. As he's grown older, he's rolled to grab toys, and recently started turning in circles to grab the toys of choice.
What a happy lad!
Papa put up the swing for Ian a couple of weeks ago. What a great asset it is to our beautiful yard! Thank you, Äma & Grumps! All of us have enjoyed taking a turn, even Owen. On the very first day, Jim was working on a woodworking project and Ian was playing. Soon a Monarch butterfly came and perched on the side of the swing.

And then it decided that Ian's toes were a more desirable spot! It hung out for quite a while. He'd flit away and then return and land on his toes again.

What a sweet joy for a young child (and his parents).

That was an especially eventful day because I believe Owen tried his first solid food, as well! He's now had carrots and avocado. Carrots seem to have been the more favorable food, but avocado is good, too.
After the first grimaces, he was content to eat more.

Ian helped feed him, too. Owen- "Mom, are you sure he should be feeding me???"

Jim documenting me documenting them :)
Sweet photos with my firstborn.
I cannot believe that he'll be turning three in a month. It was just yesterday that I held him in my arms for the first time.
Boys in pajamas. Ian's been waiting for Owen to get bigger and more sturdy since the day he came home. While he's still quite little, Owen has initiated and enjoyed some gentle rolling, hugging, and maneuvering on the blanket :)
Brothers! Sweet smiles.
While Christine was here, we asked her to take a few pictures for us. I love how these turned out :)

She probably took about twenty and this was the only one worth posting! Thank goodness for a patient photographer who just kept snapping photos. This is a new favorite. It's been a long while since we've gotten a good family photo.
I know August isn't quite done, but here is some of our month :)

I'm still in denial that summer is almost over, but I have grown to adore fall. I cannot wait for crisp days, warm sweaters, apple picking, pumpkins and hay rides, and the beautiful changing colors of the leaves. It's a gorgeous time to live where we live.

Oh, and those mosquitoes in our yard? Yea, I'm ready to bid goodbye. It's time for us to enjoy our yard again, free of those pesky bugs.

Thursday, August 25, 2016


Half a year has gone by since this sweet boy arrived and was placed in my arms. Time is ruthless, I tell you. It just keeps charging on and this kid keeps growing, and changing, and learning. Boy, is he a gem.
 Do you see this face? He hands it out like there's no tomorrow, melting heart after heart.
 That smile fills me with hope every time.
 Keep your joy and smile, darling boy. The world needs them and you.
 It needs your drool, too.
 At six months, you sit with some support.
 You can sit for a few seconds, or longer, but eventually you start leaning to one side and end up...
 like this. You aren't too upset about it, oftentimes.
 Ian makes sure that you get your floor cuddles, daily. (Aunt Christine helped me prop you up for some of these pictures).

This month proved to be an unfortunately exciting month for you in one way... you got two stitches on your right eyebrow. Fortunately, you can barely tell! We'll come up with a good story for you...

 These brothers have such a great connection. I hope and pray that it grows even fonder with time.
 Ahh. Just sweet, brotherly love at its finest.
 Oh, Owen. You make the best faces.
 A ham already.
 Up again,
 and back down again. This sweater was made for me by my mom when I was a baby. Ian fit it a little better at 6 months, but I think Owen has some filling out to do. A few less rolls at this age. I wanted to snap a picture of him the same month as I did with Ian :)
That double chin, the squishy rolls, the blue eyes. Oh, how I love you.
 And so does Papa.
 Thanks for making our hearts sing,
 our lives richer,
 and our days more complete
 than we ever thought possible.
Happy 6 months, Owen David!

You love: practicing sitting, smacking your lips together when mama does, being worn in the carrier, falling asleep on our shoulders or on your sheepskin, lying in front of a pile of your toys, turning in circles using your arms to rotate you around the floor, grasping tags on different items, giving gaping-mouthed-saliva-soaking kisses on our cheeks, jumping in the jumper, and smiling at faces.

You have no teeth yet and tomorrow we learn your stats. What a joy you are, sweet blonde boy!