A few months ago my dad's cousin wrote and asked if she and her husband could come visit as they traveled across the country in an RV. Her only request was to hike in our mountains and to meet Jim. Easy peasy!
As they stepped out of the car at our new abode, both of them could not stop raving about the beautiful view, the colors, the weather, and oh, you know, that beautiful view. The view really is extraordinary. Three of the four sides of the house offer gorgeous landscape vistas of the mountains, with hardly any houses or barns within eyesight. There are sheep on a hill side far away, cows low in the valley, and horses right in our front yard.
This doesn't do it justice. Here's just one picture of
the many needed for a panoramic view. |
When I first started working at the farm, I marveled at the view every minute I could. I still find myself following the clouds as they travel across the sky and watch their shadows dance across the mountains across the valley from the house. Rain and snow storms are my favorite. But I do think that I have started taking it for granted, just ever so slightly.
With Becky and Mahlon's enthusiasm, I again felt a renewed appreciation for just how fortunate and spoiled we really are to see this view every single day. We've only been sleeping and living here for a week, but I hope I never ignore the view to rush out in the morning. I cannot wait to cuddle our baby and drink tea or coffee every morning, while gazing out our front windows.
The view is really never the same twice.
To fulfill Becky's requests, we decided that The Cascades was the best place to take them for their one hike in "our" mountains. The trail meanders its way along the stream, past small swimming holes and little waterfalls, and up to a magnificent waterfall. It's beautiful every season of the year. From the leaves changing, to the frozen falls, to the budding flowers, to the natural airconditioning of mist off the stream that combats the sweltering summer heat, it is the place to go.
Well, I thought that the trail would be enough, but Becky marveled at the farms along the way, the beautiful yellow of the homes, and the colors of the
Eastern Red Buds. She soaked it all in and prompted me to look with new eyes on our beautiful surroundings.
Once on the trail, Becky kept remarking, "This is my kind of wonderful." A beautiful trail, awesome weather, and a pack of three dogs moving with us up to the falls... she was right; it was wonderful.
Afterward we took them to one of our favorite burger & beer joints in town, The Rivermill, and then finished off the evening with carrot cake in our unpacked apartment. It was a great day.
Thanks for renewing my love for our new place and our area, Becky & Mahlon!
Käthe, Jim, Baby B, & Leif